I’ve had a couple of rolls of film sitting on my desk for the past year (and ok, a little bit more than that because some of the film on the rolls were from 2012 trips…). Sometimes I just have to shake my head at myself and wonder in amazement why I don’t just send the rolls in but I guess I will set my reason to that I just want to send a bunch in at a time. Well, and I’m only human and my personal work gets pushed to the bottom of the stack when it comes to photography. I don’t care what type of business you’re in, it just happens. I see it with our house and our DIY projects, I see it with my Dad and his classic cars.
So I’d been looking at them a bit too long sitting on my desk and thought, you know I’m going to test a new lab out with these and see what’s on the rolls. All too quickly I forgot what little gems of life could be hidden on them. As I’ve posted before it’s really hard for me to open up and let my personal life live out on the internet so sharing these is a super personal thing for me. While I’ve made it my goal this year to share little things from here in there in my life I still find it hard to push my real ‘work’ aside to make these type of posts – however I couldn’t NOT share these images with you all.
Very recently we lost a really, really special person in our family. He was the rock and foundation of it all. A wonder filled with stories, memories, laughter and the most love you could ask for. I enjoyed every single minute I spent with my Grandpa Max and often times I would document our time together. I would always chuckle because he would say to me “put that camera away” and brush his hand as if he didn’t want his photograph taken. The best part about that was Grandpa was always the one BEHIND the lens through all the years…. and he was the one who really inspired me into getting into photography. When we found out we were expecting L, I prayed that they would be able to meet. It is one of those things I have a hard time speaking or thinking but, life is never promised to anyone. I am so thrilled that they were able to know each other for 8 months, while that time is fleeting I hope that one day L will be able to look through those times documented and know the love that he felt for her.
Opening the scanned folders from the lab you can just about imagine the feeling and emotion running through me when I found gems of L and Grandpa together, and I’ll let them speak for themselves because I really have no more words that can explain how much joy it brought to my heart to see them.

What sweet things we find when we need to talk to that person the most 🙂 <3