Emily and Phil both grew up not very far from each other, and so it only seemed fitting they would have a hometown engagement session tucked into the fields of Sheldon, WI. Both of them also grew up on dairy farms, so it was truly like the stars aligned when these two got together.
See, a few months before Emily & Phil met Emily’s AI breeder at the farm casually mentioned to her that she should date Phil. Emily brushed it off, but there was that thought in the back of her head that maybe, just maybe she shouldn’t have brushed it off so easily. Fast forward a few months to the Rusk County Fair, Emily was talking to her vet and Phil walked up. Their vet formally introduced them, and then they parted ways – or so they thought. That was until later that night when a tractor salesman invited them into the same conversation. That was the first time Emily said she ever called a friend with excitement from meeting someone. It was then that she knew she had to get Phil’s number – and that she did from that AI breeder, Adam who first put the bug in her ear months before!
Together Emily & Phil milk a total of over 1200 cows between their parents dairy farms only miles from each other. They love cooking a meal together, drinking wine and anything farm related. I really hope these two snuggled up by the fire with a bottle of wine after the session because it was a COLD one! Looking forward to their big day this April.