Ashley & Jordan chose a fall northwoods Wisconsin engagement session as it just fit who they are as a couple – and I love that! When I contacted Ashley about where she would like their photographs taken she immediately answered that she loved the outdoorsy look and wanted to nix any buildings or urban scenery. I happily obliged on this, because if you know me – I love shooting where my couples are most happy! Um, and as you scroll down you’ll see that we had a pretty amazing session. Firs the sun was out in full force, it hid on us for about an hour and came back out with perfect timing for some gorgeous golden light over the Chippewa Moraine Trails area. Wow. It was stunning!
I’m really looking forward to photographing Ashley & Jordan’s big day next year – they have an outdoor wedding planned and from what they’ve told me they will have some stunning details! The best part of it? They’ll be getting married on a lake – hooray! How gorgeous?!
And why don’t we talk about Ashley’s gorgeous engagement ring for a second, too. See Ashley & Jordan went shopping for rings, but Jordan waited and waited to propose after they went looking until they were decorating the Christmas tree. As they were decorating the tree they talked about how they never have anything to top the tree with. So while Ashley was still trimming the tree Jordan mentioned that he might have something that would be perfect on top of the tree. The next thing Ashley knew is that Jordan was down on his knee with her beautiful sparkler in hand asking her to spend the rest of their life together. Um, amazing?!?! Yes. I just love proposal stories!

Probably one of my favorite shots of Ashley & Jordan from the night. Something so lovely and cozy about this!

The sunshine came back out for us near the end of the session, perfect timing!

Just loving doing these silhouettes and double exposures for a little something different!