Ok, folks – this is going to be a long one so settle on in. First off I’ll give you a bit of background on how all of this came to be, see back almost seven years ago I met this gal named Lindsey. We were fast friends at a lovely place that we have in common, with a lovely thing to have in common – The Rocky Mountain School of Photography, and well what we were born to do – photography. We met on the first day of school and we’ve been in touch ever since. Fast forward about 5.5 years… Lindsey calls up our friend Mandy and I up to ask if we would like to photograph her wedding in Oregon…. on the beach… Cannon Beach to be specific – you know the one with Haystack Rock? Well, I just about fell over and I think Mandy did too. So here we are about 20 months later and Mandy rolls up to my driveway and we pack our bags and head west…
Lindsey and Mark met through mutual friends a few years back and well, Lindsey knew he was ‘the one’ right from the beginning and even told a close friend so – even though Mark had no idea and said that Lindsey had the best poker face! Well, here’s the deal. After four dates Mark left to go to work for four months, see Mark is a fisherman on the Bering Sea – yeah pretty scary and neat right? So it’s been a little bit of a long distance relationship but here they are and what a beautiful thing that they have. You can see it in their eyes, in the way they look at one another, at the gentle glances and smiles at the way they dance together – it’s THAT kind of love that lasts forever.
Mandy and I had such a wonderful time photographing their wedding, in such a beautiful place. It was once again so, so, so much fun to photograph alongside one of my dearest friends. Please do check out her version of the day (I’ll be updating this with a link when her blog post goes live).
Cheers to Mark + Lindsey, I hope your time in Maui is fabulous!

Mark sang a very special song for Lindsey, so completely awesome!

These are some of the best pictures I’ve seen in a long time. I’m Lindsey’s aunt and had 2 sons married in August (yep, 2 in one month!) and these photos are outstanding. Wish we had known about you a year ago.